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Spring Cleanse

Make sure you are HEALTHY and READY for the winter season!


Greetings & Deep Namaskaram!


We are definitely riding the waves of some truly unique and turbulent times. On one hand, this time can be considered “the gift of a planetary reset” and “personal retreat”. And, on the other, it’s a malfunctioning high speed roller coaster spinning way out of control. This, along with the natural turbulence of Spring’s rhythmic cycle can be having quite the effect on the mind, the body, and the spirit.

Fall and Spring are the natural times of the year to give the digestive organs a little “stir”, gently remove accumulated toxins (AMA), and rein in eating habits so that we enter the new seasons clear and functioning at an optimal level.

Thanks to our buddy COVID-19, I have been forced to create an online Zoom platform and a website! My living room was already super cozy, but now everyone can be there too! And, while I will miss your sweet physical presence, we will still have lots of fun. We will meet four times (April 9, April 16, April 23, April 30) for 90 minutes of breath work, yoga, weekly guidance and Q&A! These sessions will be recorded so that you can view them at any time. A private Facebook group will be created to provide access to community, information, and accountability. You will also receive a private one-on-one consultation with me to help guide your individual experience.  There will be a lot of dietary support and advise. We will also meet virtually for  Self-Care Saturday or Sunday (group vote). Additionally, I have special speakers that I am drumming up that will either share on our Facebook page or speak to us in person on our video calls!

Following the ancient wisdom of Ayurvedic teachings and practices, we will be returning to a completely plant-based diet, learning correct food combinations and the most effective foods to eat for the season. We will be eliminating processed, toxic foods, sugars, stimulants, and “substances” only to nourish and gently coax stored poisons out of our systems. We will learn to become more aware of the imbalances in our bodies and learn practical tools to find our way back into balance and health.

Normally a seasonal Ayurvedic Pre-Panchakarma Cleanse has a deep purgation component. But, due to the tremendous sensory input from COVID-19 we will all be staying with the basic (yet very effective) cleanse using small amounts of Castor capsules for mild purgation.

Only $135

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