Kambo Healing
What is Kambo?
Kambo is the protective layer secreted by the Phyllomedusa Bicolor tree frog. These frogs native to the Amazon basin are nocturnal in nature and have a relationship with the indigenous people who harvest this medicine and have worked with it since “the beginning”. Some of these tribes are the Matsés, the Yawanawa, the Huni Kuin, and Matis. The frogs themselves are considered bio-indicators of the health of an ecosystem. They can “eat with their eyes and breathe through their skin”. The peptide secretions serve as an “optimizer” of the biochemical reaction “motherboard” of our bodies.
Science has isolated approximately 27 peptides or short chain amino acids that are possibly represented in the secretions emitted by these frogs. Kambo is considered the most powerful naturally occurring anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-candida, anti-parasitic, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial substance known. Along with proven medical studies that support that Kambo is clinically effective against Lyme disease, it has also shown promising results with:
*Pain reduction
*Crohn’s Disease
*Kidney disorders
*Blood born pathogens
*Hormonal imbalances

I'm interested! Where do we go from here?
Our next step will be to get some important information from each other. Mainly, I need to understand your “WHY” and to gather some detailed health history information (which remains confidential) in order to determine your eligibility for working with Kambo.
This is a good time to also ask questions about me. I do this to give you full transparency and to create a safe and trauma informed container, one that allows you to proceed with confidence in both the medicine and myself. From this information gathered, we can develop a plan of action that best serves you and your intention and to discover how I best may support you.

My Kambo healing sessions include three medicines.
The first one is called Sananga. This eyedrop from the jungle is used to help hunters find and locate animals to feed their families. It is also used for eye infections, corrective eye vision, and needed shifts in perception. This uncomfortably stinging eyedrop comes from the bark of the Tabernaemontana sananho plant. Indigenous people use this eyedrop to also banish what they call Panema, which are negative spiritual entities.
The second medicine is the application of the Kambo itself. The peptides are administered by applying a slight burn to the skin and application of the dried reconstituted secretions into the “ports” (usually between 1-6). This is a very safe and relatively painless procedure. You will then be asked to drink water according to your dosage, after which I apply a “test point” to allow you to begin to connect with the overall experience of Kambo. I will proceed to add more based on our pre-session plan and your own choice and agency.
The initial “connection” with Kambo can illicit the experience of an increased heart rate, sweating, light headedness (spacey feeling), change of taste, and a sensation in the throat. Purging in all ways may occur and can include nausea, vomiting, defecating, crying, sighing, laughing, yawning, fainting, shaking, and changes of temperature. This can be very uncomfortable, but is completely normal. I will be there physically and emotionally to support you according to your comfort.
The third medicine will be Hapé, or NuNu. This is a powdered indigenous Amazonian tobacco ash blended with traditional herbs and is administered up the nose by blowing through a Tepé. This again helps to clear negative energies, open the heart, ground and clear the body, and is used to decalcify the pineal gland.

Cost and Energy Exchange
The cost for 1 individual session is on a sliding scale between $100-$175 per session.
3 Sessions (recommended for more chronic dis-ease) - $350
Microdose (1 port session includes Sananga, Hapé, and Kambo) - $75
“Community Immunity” is a program I have developed that allows local indigenous people and those who simply cannot afford this work to receive this medicine.
As with everyone (local or otherwise), I am always open to trade and energetic transactions that benefit both parties. No one should be without medicine if they need it. And it will not be denied.